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jordan 7 retro bordeauxhook Immortals vomiting blood, was hit, hard to control their magic!
laugh -
Triton fairy king was chopping off his head, fell into strange belly clams, soldiers ancestors had time to catch herself, already into his magic southern group, with his close battle between the recipe will His life and bombers kill!
his stature as ghosts, repeatedly flashing instant kill four cents blamed the king!
other fairy king terrified, turned and saw the broken bowl Emmanuel river, unpredictable, sometimes turned into a big gun, and sometimes turned into a treasure umbrella, sometimes turned Emmanuel tower, people are very hard, there are several statues of the king in this little fairy small space chop!
Jiangnan although wounded, but they dijordan 7 kidsd not seriously injured.
a fairy king suddenly shouted: 'Get out of here, in such a small place, Tien leader invincible!'
surviving several statues magic fairy king brings together hastily, big mouth and blew open the blame clams, turned into a light speeding cents out, but at this time, one hand grasping the southern exploration, Emmanuel river turned into a longbow, Jiangnan will bow shoot, I heard the screams came, a statue of fairy king should arrows fall, crashed into the big mouth frog.
extraterritorial cents, Fox respect others blankly watching this scene, I saw the bird out of the southern giant mouth move, besides, no one else out.Short moment effort, sea eighteen cents fairy king, all beheaded!
1190th chapter catch (jordan 11 2013 gamma