jordan cool grey 11
jordans 5 pink face of the thicker, laughing: '! Seno we know you will quietly, if not Seno I know too much for you, you definitely want to be cheated.'
very southern wonder that old rabbit confidence than he actually Jiangnan own confidence in ourselves more powerful!
'now rushed over, but some of the little people.'
southern laughed: 'Can prehistoric clam strange that one and all remains to be seen, as even bother?'
Nan Guo
Seno nod, said: 'Indeed these people are just some real fairy, fairy king was sent Pathfinder, without notice but after test, that is a lot of strong time you come to the crusade. ! At that time, thousands of fairy statue really, really successful one hundred cents, plus we, in the face of many fairy king of the siege, Zhjordan 5 laneyu Xian war, Qunxian fall, some very spectacular! '
southern blinked, hesitated and said:. 'It is, it is'
he can not help but worry, now controlled by two cents domain Jiang Xue and Wang Road, break into a critical period in the realm of fairy king, South Guo Seno one person alone can mobilize the fairy domain Vaillant really small.And this head south Guo Seno old rabbit, how to look is a less reliable way, by him to control the fairy domain, can really resist the siege of tigers in general warlords?
pot ancestors also a breakthrough day, so he was a great assistant since little pot of purple hyacinth ancestors day brings, is a great treasure.
but I should study and understanding of their situation, who are among the enlightenmreal jordan 7 raptors