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over dozens of days, they finally came to the ruins of the Temple of Heaven curse Road, as well as elsewhere in no man's land of tall trees and weird plants, but here not even a blade of grass can not see, only to see ruins, a root fracture of pillars, the fallen stone, everywhere traces of dry color!From this magnificent ruins of the Temple of Heaven, you can also see numerous curse Shengchang Long Road era, it must be a very thriving prosperity, jordan 7 bordeaux retroand even more now Immortality! Here
Avenue filled with strange atmosphere, it was breath curse Road, has not been completely destroyed Perishable robbery.
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time, the destruction of the universe, only a huge burst of Heaven still standing among the world, countless lives on the altar to pray, but Perishable Taoist came, all the creatures on this Temple of Heaven turned into bones, everything life destroyed.
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